
Welcome to the 2022 Joint Meeting website for the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU).

The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) 56th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Annual Meeting, and the 78th Eastern Snow Conference (ESC) will be held jointly over a 6-day period, 1-3 June 2022 and continuing 6-8 June 2022. Due to the continuing impact and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the joint meetings will be held using a virtual (on-line) format. More detailed information will be posted as it becomes available on the Congress website: https://www.cmos.ca/site/congress/main?nav=sidebar

The theme of our joint meeting is “Science Serving Society”, recognizing that the science we all do provides an essential service to our society. This ranges from discovery that pushes the boundaries of our understanding, to the provision of climate, water, weather, oceanic and geophysical services (including policy and regulation development), and even extends to the development of the effective mechanisms for the delivery of services to stakeholders and the users of our work. We hope that this Congress will help maintain and sharpen the focus of our broad professional community on the science while also paying specific attention to the specific needs of our users. Proposals for scientific sessions are being invited for all areas of CMOS, CGU, and ESC interest, especially relating to the following areas:

Advances in observational science including new and updated data sets, methodologies, campaigns and instruments
Advances in our understanding of observed variability and change, including process knowledge and the ability to represent those processes in models
Advances in predicting and projecting future variation and change on all times scales
All aspects of extremes, past, present and future
Applied science and the development and evaluation of user services
Service delivery mechanisms

We invite proposals for scientific sessions, either in your particular area of expertise and interest or in broad, general interest, topic areas. Sessions may be proposed for either oral or poster presentation. Oral sessions will be organized into 90-minute blocks of six 15-minute presentations, or one 30-minute lead presentation followed by four 15-minute presentations. Multiple 90-minutes oral sessions are welcome if warranted by the number of submitted abstracts. Poster sessions will also be organized into 90-minute sessions, with the first 30-minutes used to present short individual talks introducing each of the posters in the session. Poster presenters will remain available for the subsequent hour to discuss their posters with interested individuals via virtual breakout rooms. Conference participants will be able to view posters throughout the meeting.

Please submit your session proposal for a special session through the CMOS website athttps://cmos.ca/site/congress/sessions_submission?nav=sidebar. The proposal should include the session title (up to 40 characters), contact information about the session conveners (at least 2 needed due to the virtual nature of the conference), and a short paragraph of up to 300 words describing the scientific content of the proposed session. All session proposals should be received by 17 December 2021 for consideration by the Scientific Program Committee. The preliminary list of sessions will be used in the Call for Abstracts, which will be issued on 10 January 2022.

We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Andrew Ireson, on behalf of the Scientific Program Committee